Yellowstone Bibliographies
Copyright 2020 by Robert V. Goss. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.
[1g] Adare, Sierra, "Celebrating Cody's Centennial". Wild West Magazine, June '96.
[2] Augspurger, Marie M. "Yellowstone National Park - Historical and Descriptive". The Naegele-Auer Printing Co. 1948
[2m] Austin, Bruce, 1999 conversations and data provided by him. Independent researcher, bus historian and restorer. Loma Linda University, Calif.
[3] Anderson, H. Allen, "Ernest Thompson Seton in Yellowstone Country". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. 34, No.2, Spring '84.
[4] Baldwin, Kenneth H., "Enchanted Enclosure: The Army Engineers and Yellowstone National Park - A Documentary History". Office of the Chief Engineers, US Army, 1976.
[4m] Barnes, Christine, “Great Lodges of the West”. Published by W.W. West, Bend Oregon, Copy. 1997.
[5] Barnett, LeRoy, "Ghastly Harvest - Montana's Trade in Buffalo Bones". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol.XXV, No. 3, Summer '75.
[6] Barringer, Mark Daniel, "Private Empire, Public Land: The Rise and Fall of the Yellowstone Park Company". Texas Christian Univ. Thesis, Dec. 1997
[8] Bartlett, Richard A. "Those Infernal Machines in Yellowstone...". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XX, No. 3, Summer 1970.
[10] _______________. "Yellowstone - A Wilderness Besieged". University of Arizona Press, 1985.
[12] Beal, Merrill D., "The Story of Man in Yellowstone". Caxton Printers, Ltd, 1949.
[14] Brown, Mark H., "The Plainsmen of the Yellowstone - A History of the Yellowstone Basin". University of Nebraska Press, 1969.
[14a] _______________, "Yellowstone Tourists and the Nez Perce". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XVI, No.3, Summer 1966.
[14m] Brust, James S., & Whittlesey, Lee H., "Thomas J. Hine - One of Yellowstone's Earliest Photographers". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol.49, No.2, Summer 1999.
[14u] Burlingame, Merrill G., "The Montana Frontier". Big Sky Books, Montana State University, 1942.
[15m] Child, Harry W. Jr., “History of Dates and the Child Family in Yellowstone”. An unpublished chronology, 1999.
[16] Chittenden, Hiram Martin, "The Yellowstone National Park". (written 1895] University of Oklahoma Press, Norman Publishing, 1964.
[16m] Clemensen, A. Berle, “Historic Structure Report – Historic Data Section – O.F. Inn”. Denver Historic Preservation Branch, National Park Service, Dept. Interior, Denver, Co.
[16t] Cody Country Magazine, 1996
[17] Culpin, Mary Shivers, "The History of the Construction of the Road System in Yellowstone National Park - 1872-1966". Historic Resource Study Vol.1, Rocky Mtn. Region, National Park Service, 1994.
[17t] Diem, Kenneth L. & Lenore L., "A Community of Scalawags, Renegades, Discharged Soldiers & Predestined Stinkers? A History of Jackson Hole and Yellowstone's Influence, 1872-1920. Grand Teton Natural History Asso, 1998.
[18] Dittl, Barbara H. & Mallman, Joanne, "Plain to Fancy...The Lake Hotel, 1889-1929". Montana – The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, Spring 1984.
[18a] _______________, "The Story of the Lake Hotel". Published by Roberts Rinehart, Inc., 1987.
[18m] Dolph, James A. & C. Ivar, “The American Bison: It’s Annihilation and Preservation”. Montana – The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXV, No. 3, Summer 1975.
[18t] Eagle, Sam & Ed, “West Yellowstone’s 70th Anniversary – 1908-1978”. Published by Eagle Co., West Yellowstone, Mt. Copy. 1978.
[19] Encarta Encyclopedia 99, Microsoft.
[21] Flagg Ranch Resort, “Flagg Ranch History”, Company website
http://www.flaggranch.com/history.shtml 9/25/00
[22] Fontenot, Britt, "Striking Similarities: Labor Versus Capital in Yellowstone National Park". Yellowstone Science magazine, Vol. 5, No.4.
[23] Frost & Richard, “Over the Cody Trail to Yellowstone Park”. Advertising brochure for Frost & Richard Camping Company, ca 1906-16.
[24] Galusha, Hugh D. Jr., "Yellowstone Years". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. IX, No. 3, July 1959.
[24m] Geyser Gazette, “Train or Stagecoach – The Only Ticket to Yellowstone in the Early 1900’s.” Vol. 5, Issue 1, Summer 2000.
[25] Glacier Park Foundation, “The Inside Trail” Newsletter.
Fall99G “Glacier on Wheels: A History of the Park Buses (Part 1: 1913-1927), by Ray Djuff.
Fall99H “Gearjamming in Glacier – An Anthology”
[25g] Goss, Robert V., “Yellowstone – The Chronology of Wonderland”, 2nd Edition, Copy 2002, Self-
[25h] _______________, “A Tale of Two Sisters – Pryor & Trischman in Yellowstone”. Annals of Wyoming,
Spring 2002, Vol. 74, No.2.
[25i] _______________, “Yellowstone’s George Whittaker – Soldier, Scout and Storekeeper”. Copy 2002, selfpublished.
[25j] _______________, “Yellowstone’s First General Store – A Legacy of Jennie Henderson and Her Family”.
Publication pending, copyright 2003.
[25k] _______________, “Serving the Faithful in Yellowstone – Henry Klamer and the General Store in the
Upper Geyser Basin”. Self-published, copyright 2003.
[26] Goulans, Fred R., "A Fur Trade History of Yellowstone Park". Mountain Grizzly Publications, 1989.
[26b] Gowans, Fred R., "Rocky Mountain Rendezvous: A History of the Fur Trade Rendezvous 1825-40". Gibbs-Smith Publisher, 1985.
[28] Gray, John S., "Trials of a Trailblazer...P.W. Norris and Yellowstone". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXII, No. 3, Summer 1972.
[30] Haines, Aubrey L., "The Yellowstone Story". Vol. I, Yellowstone Library and Museum Association, 1996.
[31] _______________, "The Yellowstone Story". Vol. II, Yellowstone Library and Museum Association, 1977.
[32] _______________. "Yellowstone Place Names - Mirrors of History". University Press of Colorado, 1996.
[32a] _______________, "The Bannock Indian Trail". Yellowstone Library and Museum Asso., 1964.
[32d] _______________, “Tales from the Yellowstone: Steamboats in the Rockies”. Part 1 of a 3-part series. The Yellowstone Postcard Exchange, Vol. 5, No.1, Winter 2000.
[33] _______________. "Norris Soldier Station - Yellowstone National Park - Historic Structures Report". With Charles Pope & Erwin Thompson. Dept. of Interior. Sept. 1969.
[36] Hampton, Duane H., "The Army and the National Parks". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXII, No. 3, Summer, 1972.
[37] _______________, "How the U.S. Cavalry Saved our National Parks". Indiana University Press, 1971.
[39-12] Haynes, Frank J. “Haynes Official Guide”, 1912, 26th Edition.
[39-15] Haynes, Frank J. “Haynes Official Guide, 1915, 29th Edition
[39-20] Haynes, Jack E. “Haynes Guide – The Complete Handbook”. 1920, 32nd Edition.
[39-23] Haynes, Jack E. “Haynes New Guide” 1923, 35th Edition.
[40] Haynes, J.E., "Haynes New Guide and Motorists Complete Log of Yellowstone National Park". J.E. Haynes, Publisher, 36th edition, 1924.
[42] _______________, "Haynes Guide - The Complete Handbook". Haynes Picture Shops, Inc. 44th revised edition, 1936.
[43] _______________, "Haynes Guide - The Yellowstone National Park". Haynes, Inc., 48th Edition, 1946.
[43a] _______________, “Haynes Guide – A Handbook of Yellowstone National Park”, 49th Edition, 1947.
[44] Hert, Tamsen Emerson, "Resort on the Rim: Yellowstone's Grand Canyon Hotel". The Yellowstone Post Card Exchange, Vol.3, No.3, Fall 1998.
[44b] Hilburn, Dorothy K., "The Old Faithful Inn - A National Historic Landmark". Camelback/Canyonlands Venture, 1997.
[45a] Historical Research Associates, "Historic Structures Report - Lake Lodge". Prepared by James R. McDonald Architects, July 1997.
[45b] _______________, "Historic Structures Report - Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel". Prepared by James R. McDonald Architects, Nov. 1995.
[45c] _______________, "Historic Structures Report - Old Faithful Lodge". Prepared by James R. McDonald Architects, Nov. 1995.
[45d] _______________, "Historic Structures Report - Old Faithful Inn". Prepared by James R. McDonald Architects, May 1994.
[45e] _______________, "Historic Structures Report - Roosevelt Lodge". Prepared by James R. McDonald Architects, Dec. 1993.
[45m] Hughes, J. Donald, “The Story of Man at Grand Canyon”. Grand Canyon Natural History Asso., 1967
[45t] Ise, John, “Our National Parks Policy – A Critical History”. Published for Resources for the Future, Johns Hopkins Press, 1961.
[46] Karle, Marsha, Managing Editor, "A Yellowstone Album - A Photographic Celebration of the First National Park". Commentary by the Yellowstone Staff. The Yellowstone Foundation,1997.
[47m] Jackson, Steven B., "Joshua Crissman, Yellowstone's Forgotten Photographer". Montana – The Magazine of Western History, Vol.49, No.2, Summer 1999.
[48] Jackson, W. Turrentine, "The Creation of Yellowstone National Park". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. Seven, No. 3, Summer 1957.
[50] _______________, "The Washburn-Doane Expedition of 1870". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. Seven, No. 3, Summer 1957
[51] Johnston, Fred T., "An Analysis of the Business of Hamilton Stores, Inc. in Yellowstone National Park". NPS Vertical Files, Y.N.P.
[52] Joyner, Newell F., "History of Improvements in Yellowstone National Park". US Dept. of Interior, NPS, 1929, File No.11011-02, YNP Vertical Files - "Structures".
[54] Jurale, James A., "History of Winter Use in Yellowstone National Park". University of Wyoming, Dec. 1986.
[55] Karmizki, Kenneth W., "Suspected Site of the Hobart Hotel - Report of Research & Testing". Montana State University, 1997. YNP Files - "Structures".
[56] Langford, Nathaniel Pitt, "The Discovery of Yellowstone Park". University of Nebraska Press 1972. (Text from author's 1905 Edition).
[57] Livingston Enterprise newspaper
[58] Malone, Michael P., "The Gallatin Canyon...and the Tides of History". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, Summer 1973.
[60] Malone, Michael P., & Roeder, Richard B. , Editors, "The Montana Past - An Anthology". University of Washington Press, 1969.
[60e] Markoff, Dena S., “The Dudes are Always Right – The Utah Parks Company in Zion National Park 1923-72”. Zion Natural History Association, 1980.
[60g] Mattison, Ray H. “Report on Historical Structures in Yellowstone National Park.” 10/3/60. Yellowstone Archives, Vertical Files.
[61] McCarter, Steve, “Guide to the Milwaukee Road in Montana”. Montana Historical Society Press, Helena, 1992.
[62] Merrill, Andrea & Jacobson, Judy, "Montana Almanac". Falcon Publishing Company, 1997.
[62m] Monteith, Joanita, “Pahaska Tepee – The Gem of the Rockies”. Points West magazine, 1998 Winter Issue.
[62n] _______________, “The Irma – Just the Swellest Hotel That Ever Happened”. Points West magazine, 1998 Fall Issue.
[63] Motor Coach Today, “Buses in Yellowstone National Park”. By Bruce Austin, Robert Goss, Gerald Pesman, edited by Eli Bail. April-June 2000, Vol.7, No.2.
[64] National Park Service, "Yellowstone Roads and Bridges - A Glimpse of the Past". Brochure produced by the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), 1989.
[64p] _______________, “Press Releases”
[66] _______________, "The Army Years, 1886-1918". Brochure produced by the Yellowstone Park Foundation and the Yellowstone Association.
[68] Nolan, Edward W., "Northern Pacific Views - The Railroad Photography of F.J. Haynes, 1876-1905". Montana Historical Society Press, Helena, 1983.
[70] O'Brien, Bob Randolph, "The Yellowstone National Park Road System: Past, Present and Future". University of Washington, Thesis, 1965.
[72] Pesman, Gerald and Helen, "Yellowstone National Park - Mile-by-Mile Guide". Yellowstone Park Co., 1975.
[72a] _______________, "Drivers and Tour Guides' Commentary Handbook for Yellowstone National Park". 2nd Edition. Copy. 1979, Yellowstone Park Co.
[72b] _______________, “Yellowstone”. Draft copy of article to appear in Motor Age magazine in year 2000.
[73] Petersen, Gwen, "Yellowstone Pioneers - The Story of the Hamilton's Stores and Yellowstone National Park". Hamilton Stores, Inc. 1985.
[74] Quinn, Leslie J., "The Wranglers' Handbook". Roosevelt Edition. TW Recreational Services, 1997.
[74a] _______________, "The Wranglers Handbook". Canyon Edition. TW Recreational Services, 1997.
[78] Randall, L.W. (Gay), "Footprints Along the Yellowstone". The Naylor Company, Copy. 1961.
[78t] Reese, Craig, “N.P.Ry - First of the North Transcontinentals – An Overview and Chronology”; “N.P.Ry – Park Branch Construction”; “N.P.Ry – Park Branch Operations”. A 3-part article originally published in the ‘Mainstreeter’, the publication of the Northern Pacific Railway Historical Asso.
[79] Reeves, Thomas C., "President Arthur in Yellowstone National Park". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Summer 1969.
[79g] Rzeczkowski, Frank, “The Crow Indians and the Bozeman Trail”. Montana – The Magazine of Western History, Vol.49, No.4, Winter 1999.
[79d] Ridge, Alice A. & John Wm., “Introducing the Yellowstone trail – A Good Road from Plymouth Rock to Puget Sound”. Yellowstone Trail Publishers, Altoona, Wisc. Copy. 2000.
[80] Runte, Alfred, "Trains of Discovery - Western Railroads and the National Parks". Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 1990.
[80a] _______________, National Parks – The American Experience”. University of Nebraska Press, 1979.
[82] Russell, Carl Parcher, “One Hundred Years in Yosemite”. Yosemite Natural History Asso., Yosemite National Park, 1959.
[84] Schullery, Paul, "Yellowstone's Ecological Holocaust". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Montana Historical Society. Aug. 1997.
[85] _______________, "Searching for Yellowstone - Ecology and Wonder in the Last Wilderness". Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997.
[86] _______________, "Buffalo Jones and the Bison Herd in Yellowstone: Another Look". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, Summer 1976.
[87] Saunders, Richard L., "Glimpses of Wonderland - The Haynes and Their Postcards of Yellowstone National Park". Saunders 1997.
[88] Saylor, David J., "Jackson Hole, Wy. - In the Shadow of the Tetons". University of Oklahoma Press, 1970.
[90] Scofield, Susan C., "The Inn at Old Faithful". Crowsrest Associates, 1979.
[91] Scott, Kim Allen, "A Missing Piece of a Yellowstone Puzzle: The Tangled Provenance of the Cook-Folsom-Peterson Yellowstone Expedition Diary". Yellowstone Science magazine, Vol.7, No.1, Winter 1999.
[92] Selmeir, Lewis W., "First Camera on the Yellowstone - A Century Ago". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol.XXII, No.3, Summer 1972.
[93] Shankland, Robert, “Steve Mather of the National Parks”. Alfred A Knopf, New York, 1951.
[94] Shaw, S. Rose, & Paladin, Vivian A., "Yellowstone Park by Camp: The Shaw & Powell Camping Co. - A Photo Essay". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXII, No. 3, Summer 1972.
[96] Schullery, Paul, "Old Yellowstone Days". University of Colorado, 1979.
[96e] Silliman, Lee, “A Ride to the Infernal Regions: An Account of the First Tourist Party to Yellowstone”, Yellowstone Science Magazine, Yellowstone Association for Natural Science, History & Education. Winter 2000, Vol. 8, No.1
[97] The Yellowstone Postcard Exchange (TYPE), Quarterly Newsletter by J. Michael Bodell.
[97e] Tilden, Freeman, "Following the Frontier with F.J. Haynes". Alfred A. Knopf, 1964.
[97p] Topping, E.S., "The Chronicles of the Yellowstone - An Accurate, Comprehensive History". Ross & Haines, Inc. 1968.
[97u] University of Montana Bozeman, Mt. Renee Library, “The Eagle Family Collection”.
[98] US Dept. of Interior, NPS, "Yellowstone National Park Wyoming". Government Printing Office, 1937.
[99] US Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, “Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)” and “Historic American Engineering Record (HAER)”. Located through American Memory, Library of Congress website.
[99g] ________________, “Golden Gate Viaduct”, HAER WY-3,
[99n] ________________, “Norris Soldier Station”, HABS No. WYO-21, John DeHass, Jr.
[100] Van West, Carroll, "A Travelers' Companion to Montana History". Montana Society Press, 1986.
[106] Whithorn, Bill and Doris, "Photo History of Gardiner, Jardine, Crevasse". The Park County News, 1972.
[106m] _______________, “Images of America – Paradise Valley on the Yellowstone”. Published by Arcadia Publishing, Chicago, Ill, 2001
[107] _______________, "Yankee Jim's National Park Toll Road and the Yellowstone Trail". April 1989.
[108] _______________, "Twice Told on the Upper Yellowstone". Vol. I, Published by Doris Whithorn 1994.
[108a] _______________, "Twice Told on the Yellowstone". Vol. II, Published by Doris Whithorn 1994.
[110] Waite, Thornton, "Yellowstone Branch of the Union Pacific - Route of the Yellowstone Special, 1994.
[110h] West Yellowstone Historical Society, “West Yellowstone Historic District”. Walking Guide ‘Oregon Short Line Terminus Historic District’.
[110m] Wheaton, Rodd L., “Architecture of Yellowstone – A Microcosm of American Design”. Yellowstone Science magazine, Vol. 8, No. 4, Fall 2000.
[113] _______________, "Yellowstone Place Names". Montana Historical Society Press, 1988.
[114] _______________, "Wonderland Nomenclature - A History of the Place Names of Yellowstone National Park". Montana Historical Society Press.
[116] _______________, "Marshall's Hotel in the National Park". Montana - The Magazine of Western History, Vol. XXX, No. 4, Oct. 1980.
[118] _______________, "Yellowstone's Horse-and-Buggy Tour Guides: Interpreting the Grand Old Park". National Park Service, 1996.
[119] _______________, "In Yellowstone Park, 1886-1889, George Tutherly's Reminiscences". Montana -The Magazine of Western History, Winter 1997-98.
[119m] Wonderland newspaper, Gardiner, Montana.
[119w] Wylie Permanent Camping Company, “Yellowstone Park”. Advertising brochures for the 1914-15 seasons. Printed by Poole Bros. Chicago.
[119y] Wyoming Wildlife, “Ned Frost – Inventing the Wilderness Hunt”. Sep/Oct. 2001
[120] Yochim, Mike, "Why the National Park Service Originally Allowed Snowmobiles into Yellowstone". Yellowstone Commentary, Winter 1997-98. TW Recreational Services Print Shop.
[120a] _______________, "The Development of Snowmobile Policy in Yellowstone National Park". Yellowstone Science, Vol.7, No.2, Spring 1999.
[121] Yellowstone Science Magazine, Yellowstone Association for Natural Science, History & Education.
[123] Yellowstone National Park Library/Archives Files. “Vertical Files’.
[123a] Ibid., "List of Buildings Owned by Interior Dept. Located at Mammoth Hot Springs, 1/21/18. Vertical Files: History: YNP
[123b] Ibid., “History Files, “Bassett Bros. Files”.
[130] Yellowstone National Park Service Press Releases.